Anyone who’s driving must be in an appropriate mental and physical condition to handle the responsibility. Drivers who aren’t driving safely can cause catastrophic wrecks that can lead to serious injuries.
When a crash occurs, a victim may choose to seek compensation for the financial damages they’re dealing with from those liable for their harm. But, before they can seek the compensation that they’re due, they must prove what caused the crash in question. The following behaviors commonly contribute to the cause(s) of injurious wrecks.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents on the roads. This includes activities that divert attention from driving. Common distractions include texting, talking on the phone, eating, adjusting the radio or interacting with passengers. Anything that causes visual, manual, and cognitive distractions can increase the risk of a crash.
Impaired driving
Impaired driving occurs when a driver operates a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances that affect cognitive and motor functions. Alcohol is a common substance involved in impaired driving. Drugs, whether prescription, over-the-counter or illegal, can also impair judgment, coordination and reaction times.
Fatigued driving
Fatigued driving is as dangerous as drunk driving because it leads to reduced alertness and slower reaction times. Drivers who are sleep-deprived or have been on the road for extended periods are at higher risk. Fatigued driving can lead to microsleeps, brief lapses in attention that can have catastrophic consequences.
Aggressive driving
Aggressive driving includes behaviors such as speeding, tailgating, weaving through traffic and road rage. These actions increase the risk of collisions and exacerbate road conditions. Speeding reduces the driver’s ability to react to sudden changes, while tailgating and weaving increase the likelihood of rear-end collisions and side swipes. Road rage can lead to confrontations and reckless driving.
Immediate medical care is often necessary for victims of crashes. That can be a costly undertaking, so these victims may opt to pursue a personal injury claim to recover those financial damages. The time they have to do this is limited, so they must act quickly.